2.6.2 Constant of magnetic field


Although the constant of magnetic field μ0 is calculable from ε0 and c, shall here take place a derivation as for ε0 . The constant of magnetic field is according to /2-11/:



Here shall these number derived from the 3K-radiation. Starting-point is as at ε0 once more a low of force, and that the force F between two parallel conductors of current with distance r and length l.




As at ε0 shall here the force F estimate on the base 3K-radiation and from the same formula as at ε0 :


Mean from the per unit of time active number of photons  with here energy  respectively  .The currents I1 and I2 shall identical and flow with velocity of light. They can replace by flowing charges.



The current shall so big, that in the time τ only one charge is flowed. The time τ shall


are, where in sequence for ∆λ every is mean ∆λ∆n=1 . Than is



To that belong to Fig. 2.6.2-1 for the both wire.



Fig.2.6.2-1: Fly of particles at the wires

As at ε0 the particle fly from proton ball-shaped in all directions of space (shown at p1). As at ε0 shall here to an electron the recipient. Because the effect of the particles T2 on e1 is the same as the effect from T1 on e1, can assign each ei the particles of his pi (shown at p3). During therefore at ε0 the particles remove from p by a sphere, can here see a disk (a pressed sphere) as model. As at ε0  is the area of target  for a particle. The part of appropriate proton-particles to all particles, who start from proton, is with this at the area of target  to the complete possible area of  .



With that is



The length of wire l can select throughout to . For  is as at ε0 the term  of the proton to take and for  as at ε0 the term  with


from chapter 2.2.




  instead of 1.25664*10-6   


Deviation: +14.2%

For the connection of ε0 , μ0 and c is applicable:



With the lead here formulas for ε0 and μ0 followed:





With this is the connection fulfilled. The deviations of the numbers for ε0 and μ0 can only caused by the factor 60. This is estimated by a, that is the length of way of a particle from collision to collision of four particles in the tetrahedron-structure of the proton. Probable is it not only these one number of a, what is tolerate for the construction of tetrahedrons. With only one number of a would be the statistical behavior of particles putting out of low, what is not possible. Precise results for the numbers of ε0 and μ0 are expected at all consideration of the statistical distribution.


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